
Melinda Clark-Sann

As a former Jackson County Assistant Prosecutor and former Blue Springs Municipal Assistant Prosecutor, Melinda Clark-Sann has worked tirelessly for years to advocate for justice. In 2003, she was a co-founding member along with Tracey Chappell-Vick, of the groundbreaking African-American female law firm, Connor, Clark-Sann, Chappell, & Rivers. During her tenure at CCC&R, Melinda litigated numerous civil and criminal matters in State, Federal, and Appellate Courts. Recently, her fight for justice has taken a new direction in 2020. Melinda is passionate about safeguarding the civil liberties of every client she has had the honor of representing. She believes that these fundamental rights should be upheld no matter the person's race, sex, political affiliation, or religious beliefs. Melinda has had the unique opportunity to save the jobs of numerous medical professionals whose careers were at risk due to mandatory vaccine requirements and she successfully defended several criminal cases filed against local citizens and businesses as a result of the Covid-19 shutdown "health orders" such as Rae's Cafe formerly located in Blue Springs, Missouri.
Now, as a co-founding member of Right Side Law LLC, Melinda is excited to expand into the area of personal injury law. As a career long litigator, licensed in both Kansas and Missouri, she is confident that her zealous representation will continue to bring justice to those who have been injured in both minor and catastrophic life-altering accidents.

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